I'm hanging out in Cambridge near MIT, minding my own business and I stumble across Vassar Street. This incredible street makes safe space for driving lanes, parking lanes, dedicated bike lanes, pedestrian sidewalks... all in both directions. I had to snap this photo so I could prove that this was for real!
The right side of this brick lined elevated sidewalk is dedicated to pedestrians and the left side is for bicycles only. Same set-up for bikers and walkers is on the other side of the street. Note the presence of tree plantings on the street edge. Up further, I saw perennial plantings on the edge of the sidewalks towards the building fronts. The street here has two traffic lines in opposite directions and two lanes for parking. This street was at one time probably more like a speedway. Think Mill Street or Major Taylor Boulevard, Worcester! Look how a street can be converted to slow traffic and increase the access for bikers and walkers so that the street becomes a public way!